Constellation Participant Guidelines for School Administrators


Daylighting Constellation Participation Guidelines for School Administrators

Brief Interview for Eneref Report

Requested: We ask for an initial interview to explore the economic, social and environmental benefits of natural interior daylight in the K-12 market from the perspective of the school administrator.
Timeframe: 10 minutes

Network with Daylighting Business Expert

Requested: We invite school administrators to work one-on-one with daylighting industry executives. Eneref Constellation network groups streamline the adoption of new ideas and technologies by providing test beds, encouraging communication between companies and end-users, and leverage expertise so that stakeholders can share solutions.
Timeframe: 15 minutes

Debrief Eneref for Report

At your discretion: After school administrators meet with business experts, we offer school administrators an opportunity to debrief Eneref on the results and to explore ways to improve adaptation of new technologies.
Timeframe: 10-15 minutes.

Participate in Roundtables Network

At your discretion: Eneref’s Constellation Roundtables are online web-forums that offer school administrators a venue for engaging in in-depth discussions with colleagues in K-12 facility community. We invite attendees to bring targeted questions to pose to others. Roundtables are an ideal format for networking.

Attendees: 8-10 attendees
Timeframe: 45-minutes

Relevant links

Download Eneref Report about Wilson School
Register for Participation in this Constellation group
View Video Highlights of Eneref’s Wilson School report
Participation guidelines for school administrators
Monitor the Web Forum about Wilson School project
About this Daylighting in Schools Constellation group
About Eneref Constellations in general


Our Mission

Encourage socially responsible, earth-friendly action.
Raise awareness for the efficient use of natural resources.
Foster conversations that lead to results.
Influence tangible implementation of sound solutions.

Our Philosophy

We are a catalyst for change. We raise awareness for clear, specific solutions that put forward an efficient use of natural resources, demonstrate social responsibility and foster a peaceful, earth-friendly economy.

Our Methodology

We develop and manage comprehensive, efficient and effective initiatives — building advocacy support for sound ideas. From initiative development, to communicating findings, we look for common sense solutions that can achieve effective results.