
January 4, 2016

Eneref Institute Printed Reports Now Available

Eneref Institute is pleased to announce a collaborative partnership with Bucks Digital Printing using earth-friendly paper and printing. 

Eneref and Bucks have developed a printed Eneref report that is elegant, of the highest printing quality and completely eco-friendly.

The paper used to print Eneref Institute reports adhere to the principals of Sustainable Forest Management(SFM) — forests managed according to the United Nations Forest Principles. Forest Principles were first developed in 1992 during the UN Conference on Environment and Development called the Earth Summit. Today, a number of organizations certify SFM paper with chain-of-custody (CoC) documentation, or paper trails, to assure their paper originates from sustainably managed forests.

Eneref Institute has partnered with Bucks Digital Printing with papers that are certified by three SFM organizations: The Forest Stewardship Council (FSC), Sustainable Forestry Initiative (SF) and the Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification (PEFC). Each of these nonprofit organizations oversee our world’s forests and are helping to transform the way forests are managed globally and locally.

To order your beautifully printed and ecologically sustainable hard copies of Eneref Institute Advocacy Reports or Marketing Analysis Reports, contact Bucks Digital Printing. Or email address: Eneref.Reports (at)
