Sustainable Flooring


Roofing & Flooring initiative

A campaign to preserve our natural resources.

June 2016

Report: Melitta Coffee

Roofing & Flooring initiativeEneref Institute set to report on the benefits of a polished concrete floor for an industrial food manufacturer.

January 2016

Report: Performing Arts School

Roofing & Flooring initiativeEneref Institute examines how a polished concrete floor reduces maintenance costs for a performing arts school.

August 2015

Report: Massachusetts School

Roofing & Flooring initiativeEneref Institute set to report on the benefits of a sustainable roofing in a Massachusetts School.

April 2015

Report: Volvo Truck Plant

Roofing & Flooring initiativeEneref Institute set to report on the benefits of a sustainable roofing for an industrial truck plant.

November 2014

Report: American Eagle Outfitters

Roofing & Flooring initiative

Eneref Institute examines polished concrete flooring in retail spaces as a sustainable and appealing option.