August 1, 2020

Eneref Addresses Ideas Missing in Moore Film “Planet of the Humans”

Questions Asked in Michael Moore Film “Planet of the Humans” Answered by Eneref Institute’s New ‘Net Zero Ready’ Campaign.

New Eneref Campaign to Motivate Communities Toward 100% Renewables by Reducing the Need to Build Additional Power Generation Systems.

WASHINGTON, August 1, 2020 – Eneref Institute, a leading advocate for sustainable development, is excited to announce its “Net Zero Ready” Campaign to directly address the concerns raised by the Planet of the Humans documentary film. The new Michael Moore film explores the controversy behind wind, solar and biofuel power generation—arguing that these renewables are not always carbon neutral. But the film fails to investigate a straightforward and incontrovertible solution: that global efforts to reduce the energy demand side will slow global warming significantly. The documentary asks the right questions but neglects to explore the role of energy efficiency in limiting the world’s energy demand.  

Maximizing investments in energy efficiency — the energy demand side — offers a faster, lower-cost model to reduce carbon emissions than investing in renewables alone. Electricity demand in communities is increasing significantly faster than the emissions reductions achieved by power generation due to factors such as greater device usage and larger homes.  

Governments need incentive programs to stimulate infrastructure efficiency in housing and transportation, but also for public spaces, hospitals, schools, and streetlights — programs that maximize long-term benefits, raise efficiency standards and even develop new markets for energy-efficient technology. Lower energy consumption also increases property values and reduces operating costs for homeowners and businesses.   

Planet of the Humans raises an important question. The Eneref Institute “Net Zero Ready” Campaign calls for readying communities’ conversion to 100% renewable energy by not only reducing the need for coal, natural gas and petroleum, but also for wind, solar and biofuels. Greater use of energy efficiency technologies will reduce the impact of air pollution, mitigate climate change and help achieve universal access to energy. 

See “Net Zero Ready” campaign page here:


About Eneref Institute

Eneref Institute is a research and advocacy organization for sustainable development. The goal of Eneref Institute is to raise awareness for clear, specific solutions that foster an earth-friendly economy. Eneref Institute works to promote sustainable solutions with US and international government agencies as a liaison between government and industry. Eneref develops influential initiatives that lead others, with messaging designed to build advocacy for common-sense solutions that achieve effective results. Eneref Institute reports are available for download. Visit

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