“In the summer, we’ll open the skylights and use the natural venting to draw up hot air for natural cooling. It’s a significant air conditioning savings.”
Balcony Windows Bring Fresh Air Into Rhode Island Home
“Builders and developers have to realize that women have a controlling influence in the purchase of ninety one percent of all new homes,” homebuilder Hugh Fisher pointed out.
Everyone appreciates convenience and appealing aesthetics in their home, as well as elements like a fresh indoor environment and more daylight. Yet, it is through the female perspective that Fisher Homes are designed. They are constructed to be, as Hugh Fisher described, “woman-centric.” That is, their design stems from what women perceive and value when buying a home.
Sarah Fisher, VP of Design at h.a. Fisher Homes, explained, “Woman-centric design is just great design. For example, adding more daylight helps our customers live more comfortably in their homes. As far as skylights, our homeowners really love the concept. When they see them, they want them.”
Hugh Fisher, President of h.a. Fisher Homes, concurred: “People love skylights, and women notice all these details and appreciate them.”
Fisher Homes are architecturally designed by Design Basics, the company that conceived and coined the woman-centric concept.
“We’ve got buyers who recognized that if you reduce your dependence on electric lighting and your dependence on the air conditioner because you are able to get good venting through skylights—that appeals to them because of that green connotation,” says Paul Foresman, Director of Business Development of Design Basics.
“Without the Cabrio windows, it wouldn’t have been a room; it would have just been ordinary attic space.”