Eneref Institute examines the window specification decisions for the oldest US public library.
“We protected the library for another hundred, two hundred years.”
“We protected the library for another hundred, two hundred years.”
“The first time that I walked in and saw the light, I loved it. It was so refreshing. I felt good immediately.”
“Everywhere you are in the house, you’re just one window or one view away from the exterior.”
“Even at night, you can see the moonlight coming through them… like the lights are on.”
“The beauty of working with universities like USC is they want long-term, maintenance- free buildings. And they are willing to pay a premium for lasting materials.”
“In the summer, we’ll open the skylights and use the natural venting to draw up hot air for natural cooling. It’s a significant air conditioning savings.”
“Scientific evidence establishes a statistically compelling connection between skylighting and retail sales.”
“Optically, the Velux Dynamic Dome has a combination of good materials that diffuses the light with an advantageous geometry,” said Mark Jongewaard of LTI Optics.
“It really brought the daylight and the outside into the middle of the facility. It brought the school to life.”