
December 13, 2016

Natural Interior Daylight Initiative Update

Eneref to Meet With United Nations on Daylighting

Eneref Institute is developing a “Daylighting Brief” to present directly to the United Nations Human Rights Council, the UN Environmental Program and the UN World Health Organization.

nid_logo_72dpiEveryone has the right to “favorable conditions at work,” according to Article 23 of the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Further, the UN Human Rights Council “Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights,” (as proposed by UN Special Representative John Ruggie) declares that “business enterprises” should respect human rights.

Eneref Institute holds the position that “favorable conditions at work” includes building facilities designed for occupant wellbeing.  

The United Nations understands the need to extend human rights to include the business community because of the dramatic worldwide expansion of the private sector. Furthermore, human health should be an integral part of Habitat III, according to Margaret Chan, Director-General, UN World Health Organization. The Third UN Conference on Housing and Sustainable Urban Development links health to the United Nations New Urban Agenda for the future of cities. World Health Organization is advancing this vision in Habitat III.

Sustainable urbanization is critical to limiting global temperature rise. The UN New Urban Agenda will guide policies at a time when urban growth will have a defining role in the future of climate and environment.

Eneref plans to meet with the United Nations Environmental Program in Nairobi, Kenya in February 2017. Responsible comments are welcome and will be included in our discussions with UNEP. Please add your comments here.

One Comment
  1. The United Nations Environment Program is a political labyrinth, but most people’s heart is in the right place. Good luck in moving the ball forward.

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