Eneref Institute examines the window specification decisions for the oldest US public library.
“We protected the library for another hundred, two hundred years.”
“We protected the library for another hundred, two hundred years.”
“The first time that I walked in and saw the light, I loved it. It was so refreshing. I felt good immediately.”
“Everywhere you are in the house, you’re just one window or one view away from the exterior.”
“Even at night, you can see the moonlight coming through them… like the lights are on.”
“The beauty of working with universities like USC is they want long-term, maintenance- free buildings. And they are willing to pay a premium for lasting materials.”
“In the summer, we’ll open the skylights and use the natural venting to draw up hot air for natural cooling. It’s a significant air conditioning savings.”
“Scientific evidence establishes a statistically compelling connection between skylighting and retail sales.”
“Optically, the Velux Dynamic Dome has a combination of good materials that diffuses the light with an advantageous geometry,” said Mark Jongewaard of LTI Optics.
“It really brought the daylight and the outside into the middle of the facility. It brought the school to life.”
“Having beautiful spaces was really important and a large part of that was having daylight available at the branch.”
“It’s worth getting solar-powered skylights for the rebate alone.”
“Having skylights in the dealership will allow customers to see the car’s true color.”
“In a retrofit project, tubular devices just make sense. They work, and they get you natural light.”
“In the right kind of natural light we can see a more realistic picture of all our colors, the slight differences. It’s inspirational to our creative process.”
“At the end of the day no lights on is better than some lights on. If light is fully available from the sun, why not use it?”
“And we definitely made the right decision. But it is even better to hear the reaction of our employees.”
“It’s a really well built, well detailed, high thermal performance skylight. It’s super cost-affordable because it’s modular.”
“We call it the ‘wow’ factor. With the skylights, people just have an uplifted feeling, they want to do better.”
“Opting to invest in a reliable, high-quality heat pump is not merely a choice for comfort — it is a critical decision for health, safety, and environmental stewardship in an increasingly precarious world.”
“In terms of avoiding the transfer between spaces, you can’t do better than PTAC. It’s just a zone unit.”
“The average efficiency of air conditioners sold today is less than half the efficiency of systems available on store shelves.”
“I love how quick the air conditioner works. You just turn it on and it cools or warms the place inmediately,” says resident Leslie Cook. “It has made life much more comfortable.”
“R-32 is 40% more efficient than R-410A, but with only 1/3 of the global warming potential.”
“Because of the inverter compressor technology, the energy savings you get are unbelievable.”
“Opting to invest in a reliable, high-quality heat pump is not merely a choice for comfort — it is a critical decision for health, safety, and environmental stewardship in an increasingly precarious world.”
“We protected the library for another hundred, two hundred years.”
“Everywhere you are in the house, you’re just one window or one view away from the exterior.”
“The average efficiency of air conditioners sold today is less than half the efficiency of systems available on store shelves.”
“I love how quick the air conditioner works. You just turn it on and it cools or warms the place inmediately,” says resident Leslie Cook. “It has made life much more comfortable.”
“A more exhaustive look at building codes for windows—and better enforcement of existing codes—will speed up recovery after a weather event.”
“The beauty of working with universities like USC is they want long-term, maintenance- free buildings. And they are willing to pay a premium for lasting materials.”
“It’s an all-around perfect fit for any school.”